facebook 买粉丝 Facebook将测试在其子程序Instagram上交叉发布内容

🟨🟧🟩🟦加vx: 『buyfensi』 - 交叉发布功能可以大大的节省用户的时间,同时可以让用户 大限度的查看他们所创建的内容,它也可能会对Instagram上的内容总数有所提升。- facebook便宜刷粉平台- facebook 买 粉丝|facebook 粉丝 facebook涨粉丝, 24小时匿名自助平台🟨🟧🟩🟦

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交叉发布功能可以大大的节省用户的时间,同时可以让用户 大限度的查看他们所创建的内容,它也可能会对Instagram上的内容总数有所提升。

[facebook便宜刷粉平台] https://www.facebookin.com

这一变化被视为母公司Facebook对Instagram 具侵略性的入侵——自2018年底Instagram联合创始人因主权下降离开公司以来,Instagram一字在稳步增长。Facebook早已在Instagram的启动页画面添加了“Instagram-From Facebook”的字样,并在其设置菜单中添加了一个打开Facebook的按钮。

This change is seen as the parent company Facebook's most aggressive invasion of instagram - instagram has grown steadily since its co founders left the company in late 2018 due to a decline in sovereignty. Facebook has already added the word "instagram from facebook" to the screen of instagram's startup page, and added a button to open Facebook in its settings menu.




A Facebook spokesman said cross publishing is now being formally tested to make it easier to share highlights with your fans, as users on Facebook and instagram may have different audiences and fans. Facebook will continue to explore how to simplify and improve the way content is shared in its applications. This means that it has finished the internal testing phase and will now be tested for users.

今后,Facebook和Instagram 终会同步你在这两款应用上的浏览数据,并避免向你展示你已经看过的内容。

在 近的一次新闻会上有人指出重复的内容浪费了数亿人的时间,并导致他们关闭了程序。对此Facebook拒绝置评。

Facebook将整合其旗下的Messenger、WhatsApp和Instagram Direct创建内容双向性操作服务



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