Tiktok浏览量 TikTok 版主因图片视频造成的精神创伤,对其进行了起诉。同时,社交媒体面板也帮助提升了 TikTok 的真实活跃

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据彭博社报道,TikTok 版主已经对社交媒体平台及其母公司字节跳动提起了集体诉讼,指控其因图形视频造成的创伤。据诉讼称,主持人Candie Frazier已经放映了显示暴力、学校枪击、致命跌倒甚至自相残杀的视频,这导致原告睡眠困难,她会在睡觉时做可怕的噩梦。

As per Bloomberg, the social media platform TikTok and its parent company ByteDance are being sued by a moderator who claims to have experienced trauma due to the disturbing graphics and videos. Seeking class action status, the host, Candie Frazier, alleges that she was exposed to videos featuring violence, school shootings, fatal falls, and even fratricide. The lawsuit states that the plaintiff suffers from insomnia and experiences distressing nightmares during sleep.




TikTok与 Facebook 和 YouTube 等其他社交媒体公司一起制定了指导方针,帮助版主应对虐待儿童和其他创伤性图片。建议之一是公司将主持人轮班时间限制在四小时并提供心理支持。然而,诉讼称,TikTok 据称未能实施这些指导方针。


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内容版主应对社交媒体上出现的图形和创伤性图像首当其冲,确保用户不必体验它们。一家为大型科技公司提供内容审核员的公司甚至在一份同意书中承认,这份工作可能会导致创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD)。然而,社交媒体公司因其心理危害而没有支付足够的费用,并且没有提供足够的心理健康支持,因此受到了他们的模组和其他人的批评。一个类似的诉讼是在2018年起诉Facebook的。

To prevent users from being exposed to graphic and traumatic images on social media, the responsibility of dealing with such content should be placed on content moderators. A company that supplies content auditors to major technology companies acknowledged in a consent letter that this line of work could potentially cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, social media companies faced criticism from their moderators and others for insufficient compensation in light of the psychological risks involved, as well as inadequate provision of mental health assistance. In 2018, Facebook was also subject to a similar legal action. Additionally, real active TikTok likes and social media panel services are available.


弗雷泽希望代表其他 Tiktok 筛选者进行集体诉讼,以获得心理伤害赔偿,并要求法院命令提供医疗基金给版主。

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