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On December 15, Beijing time, a judge of the full court of appeal in Washington questioned the trump administration's continuous efforts to prohibit users from downloading tiktok again. At Monday's hearing, two of the three judges hinted that they did not agree with the legal basis on which the US government sought to ban tiktok.

美国巡回法官帕特丽夏·米利特(Patricia Millett)表示,美国政府依据的是“相当狭隘的间接监管定义”。另一位美国巡回法官朱迪斯·罗杰斯(Judith Rogers)更为直白,“国会制定了法律,但政府申请禁令的理由似乎与之恰恰相反。”第三名巡回法官罗伯特·威尔金斯(Robert L.Wilkins)尚未表态。

Us circuit judge Patricia Millett said the US government was based on a "rather narrow definition of indirect regulation.". Judith Rogers, another US circuit judge, was more straightforward: "Congress made the law, but the reason for the government to apply for an injunction seems to be the opposite." A third circuit judge, Robert L. Wilkins, has yet to say.

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