转推 粉丝关注 匿名黑客组织攻击并控制俄罗斯外交部一Twitter账号

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据外媒报道,劫持一个Twitter账户已经成为一些特定黑客团体的一种爱好,因为它很容易做到。俄罗斯外交部危机管理中心 近就成为了该类型黑客攻击的对象,据悉,该中心的Twitter账号 近遭到一个未具名组织攻击,该组织试图出售他们声称的私人游客数据。

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安全研究员Graham Cluley透露,这次攻击发生在7月2日,当时 MID_travel这个通常转发其他俄罗斯机构帖子的Twitter账号意外发布了一条令人惊讶的推文。该条推文称,黑客掌握了跟2020年6月在俄罗斯公共服务门户网站上进行过旅游付款的相关个人数据。

Graham cluley, a security researcher, said the attack took place on July 2, when mid_ Travel, a twitter account that usually forwards posts from other Russian organizations, accidentally posted a surprising tweet. According to the tweet, the hackers had personal data related to the travel payment made on the Russian public service portal in June 2020.



However, the Russian authorities have now restored the account, deleted the tweet from the page, and then released a new message detailing what happened, which is roughly as follows: "on the morning of July 2, cyber criminals released a message that had nothing to do with the Russian Foreign Ministry, so we re entered the account. Now the account is running normally.

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