Instagram粉赞 INSTAGRAM上企业档案设置策略及步骤bulk Instagram followers

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切换到Instagram业务档案所带来的大部分好处都源自于用户了解并跟踪其关注者的能力。以Instagram的Insights功能为例。 跟踪用户在移动应用内的展示次数,覆盖面和参与度的简单功能对于企业来说是非常有价值的! 话虽如此,还有其他的Instagram分析工具,包括欧美的免费Instagram分析功能。Instagram商业页面的 大优势之一是能够添加Instagram故事的链接。 这是一个巨大的Instagram的趋势,可以帮助用户增长用户的电子邮件列表,销售产品,推动产品推广和更多好处。

Most of the benefits of switching to instagram business profile come from users' ability to understand and track their followers. Take instagram's insights function as an example. The simple function of tracking users' display times, coverage and participation in mobile applications is very valuable for enterprises! Having said that, there are other instagram analysis tools, including the free instagram analysis function in Europe and America. One of the biggest advantages of instagram business pages is the ability to add links to instagram stories. This is a huge trend of instagram, which can help users grow their email lists, sell products, promote product promotion and more benefits.bulk Instagram followers



虽然简单并不总是更好,事实是,如果用户不打算使用任何商业资料随附的功能,更坚持用户的个人信息。尽管缺乏先进的功能,个人简介令人愉快地简单。没有柱形图,轮盘图或弹出窗口要求用户宣传用户的帖子。使用个人资料的第二个可能的好处是你有更多的自由张贴你喜欢的东西。 如果您是基于个性的品牌,并且在您的帐户中同时显示个人和企业内容,这一点尤其重要。有人担心,如果转换为商业模式,他们会被贴上“赞助”或“不真实”的标签,失去有机品牌的身份。 如果你真的担心出现“不那么个人化”,那么 好还是坚持个人Instagram配置文件。

Although simplicity is not always better, the fact is that if the user does not intend to use any of the functions attached to the business data, he will stick to the user's personal information. Despite the lack of advanced features, the personal profile is pleasantly simple. There is no bar chart, roulette chart or pop-up window that requires users to publicize users' posts. The second possible benefit of using personal data is that you have more freedom to post what you like. This is especially important if you are a personality based brand that displays both personal and corporate content in your account. Some people worry that if they switch to business model, they will be labeled as "sponsor" or "untrue" and lose their identity as an organic brand. If you're really worried about "less personalized", it's best to stick to your personal instagram profile.bulk Instagram followers


点按“切换到商业资料”。 选择您想要连接到您的Instagram企业帐户的Facebook页面。 如果您没有看到您的商家的Facebook页面作为选项,请确保您已在设置菜单中列为管理员。 一旦出现正确的Facebook页面,选择它并点击“下一步”。 确保您的个人资料已设置为公开。 私人帐户无法切换到企业帐户。



在“设置您的公司资料”页面上,查看您公司的联系信息,包括您的电话号码,实际地址和电子邮件。 一旦一切看起来不错,点击“完成”来保存你的Instagram的企业帐户设置。


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