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据外媒CNET报道,作为帮助人们识别假新闻的努力的一部分,Facebook将与独立的事实核查慈善机构Full Fact合作开展一项广告活动。从下个月开始,英国、欧洲、土耳其、非洲和中东的Facebook用户将在他们的feeds中看到广告,鼓励他们对所看到的信息进行批判性思考。他们会要求人们考虑一条信息来自哪里,其中缺少什么,以及它给他们带来的感觉。

As part of an effort to help people identify fake news, Facebook will launch an advertising campaign with full fact, an independent fact checking charity, according to foreign media CNET. Starting next month, Facebook users in the UK, Europe, Turkey, Africa and the Middle East will see ads in their feeds, encouraging them to think critically about what they see. They ask people to think about where a piece of information comes from, what's missing from it, and how it feels to them.


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就像Twitter和YouTube一样,公司一直在删除大量违反政策的内容,并附上警告标签,以防止那些可能宣传虚假信息的人。提高用户的媒体素质——用广告鼓励他们质疑他们阅读的内容——这是他们工作室的 新工具。

“由于消费新闻的方式如此之多,因此很难对阅读、信任和分享的内容做出明智的选择,”Facebook北欧副总裁Steve Hatch在一份声明中说。“这项活动就是向人们提出三个简单的问题,帮助他们挑战他们正在阅读的信息,以便他们能够更加知情。”

"With so many ways to consume news, it's hard to make smart choices about what you read, trust and share," Steve Hatch, Facebook's Nordic vice president, said in a statement“ This activity is to ask people three simple questions to help them challenge the information they are reading so that they can be more informed. "


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